AWOL Studios x Comme Ca Art Exhibition (2022)

Medium: Video, 1 projection, colour & sound (stereo), 2 chiffon prints with 2 chiffon curtains, metal

Dimensions: Two yellow chiffon curtains each 138 cm wide and 221 cm long; Two blue chiffon prints each 138 cm wide and 110.5 cm long;

Celebrate the fireworks!

The video shows a New Year’s Eve in 1999 taped by my father on a VHS cassette. The work was inspired by a childhood memory of these vintage yellow curtains in my father’s living room. Specifically their movement – how they were always pushed aside next to an open balcony door, fluttering in the wind.

The distortions make a hint of double vision, often associated with excessive drinking.

There are some parallels between fireworks and our memories of that time – both emerge in sudden and saturated bursts.

The soundtrack (by VIEUX) uses a heavy synth to convey the stages of intoxication, alcohol-induced blackout and moments of clarity.

AS ELUSIVE AS EVER is in the permanent University of Salford Art Collection.

Paradise Works Triple Decker x A Modest Show (2022)

Medium: Video, 1 projection, colour & sound (stereo)